Dominion’s Opinions

GIF Tales, or The Definition of a Freak: Lost in Translation

GIF Tales, or The Definition of a Freak: Lost in Translation

I have observed over the years that the reason ThaKiddz are attracted to Leathermen is our honesty. If Ya Brista...

Lies “Straight Men” Tell (When They Aren’t Sucking Dicks)

Lies “Straight Men” Tell (When They Aren’t Sucking Dicks)

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times! It was… last Thursday! There I was, minding...

Straight Girls in Gay Places: Cautionary Tales

Straight Girls in Gay Places: Cautionary Tales

Ya Brista is BAAAAAAACK! After a long and lovely hiatus filled with…I am drained of all my fluids ready to...

Pride, or A Call to Action

Pride, or A Call to Action

Judging from the sponsorship of DC Capital Pride, homosexuals have clearly arrived! I mean, there is no clearer sign of...

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